Our Vision: We will be the preferred choice of travel, social, recreational and educational programming among 50 plus members in Seneca County.
Classes at the Allen Eiry Center
Stained Glass Beginner Class

Stained Glass Class

Fused Glass Class

New Life Opportunities
Nourish Your Soul
Try New Things
The art of stained glass is taught by seasoned instructors at AEC. We announce the start of each new stained glass class for beginners in our monthly newsletter, as this class is not offered on a regular basis. This class will provide you detailed instructions on creating a beautiful stained glass piece. After completion of the Stained Glass Class, we welcome you to attend the Tuesday afternoon Stained Glass Class where more advanced artists will be on hand to give you suggestions and help when needed. There is a special fee for this class which will be announced in our monthly newsletter.
Instructor Ron Pepper (pictured above) is here Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 1:30PM to help anyone who has a little experience working with stained glass. This is not a structured class (please see Stained Glass Beginner Class if you are truly a beginner). If you feel that you can work on your own but may have a few questions, you are welcome to come in and work on your project while enjoying the company of others working on their own project.
Days & Times:
Monday's, Tuesday's, Thursday's, 9:30 - 12:30
Wednesday's & Friday's 12:30 - 3:30
Cost: $1.00/Per day
The Fused Glass Class offers special projects to be created with an instructor leading the class. We have done projects such as Christmas ornaments, stepping stones, jewelry, etc. Fused glass projects do need to be baked in the kiln. Therefore, you will need to pick up your fired project at a later date (which will be announced by the instructor during your class). There is a special fee for Fused Glass Class which will be announced in our monthly newsletter.
Craft Programs

Monday AM Crafts
Get Creative
Join us any Monday morning at 10:00AM - 12:00PM. Everyone is invited to join in making crafts that we work on all year and sell at our Craft Show in September and the Christmas Sale at the Tiffin Catholic Schools in December. We love new ideas and hope that you will join us!
Cost: FREE

Instructor Sara Welly
Friday mornings at 10:00AM - 12:00PM.
Cost: $1.00 per class
Needle Art
Each person brings their own project to work on. This could be knitting, crocheting, plastic canvas, quilting, latch hook, etc.
You work on your own project while socializing with the other people working on their project. If you happen to need assistance with directions, etc. someone in the group will most likely be able to assist. This is a weekly time to relax, enjoy friends and work on your project. There is no cost. Stop in and join us!
DAYS & TIMES: Wednesdays @ 1:00PM - 3:30PM
Special Monthly Events

Must be a Allen Eiry Center member.
Check our our newsletter to see when the next Bingo is scheduled.

Cardio Drumming
This class can be done by standing or sitting and by people of different physical abilities. It's fun, keeps you active and lots of benefits will be gained! This class is lead by Brandi Gruss, Life Couch. You must be a current member of AEC to participate. Bring your own exercise ball and wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. We look forward to having you join the class!
Days & Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 8:00AM
Cost: $1.00/Per Class

Doctors are recommending Tai Chi for balance, stress relief, fatigue and more because, while other exercises drain you, Tai Chi actually gives you energy, leaving you feeling refreshed when you finish! The slow, dance-like speed of Tai Chi creates balance, flexibility and calmness. With an emphasis on deep breathing and using mental imagery, Tai Chi integrates your mind with your body, and is very effective at relieving stress.
Beginners class starts @ 8:30AM
Day & Time: Fridays @ 9:00AM
Cost: $1.00/Per Class
10 Minute Meditation is provided at the end of class.

"Delay the Disease"
The #1 Parkinson's Exercise Program "Delay the Disease" is a community based fitness program designed to empower people with Parkinson's disease by optimizing their physical function. The fitness class is specially designed to help those with Parkinson's gain a better quality of life through strengthen, balance, gait and cognitive training. This fitness class will focus on BIG movements along with coordination, postural instability and agility with high amounts of intensity and effort in order to improve functional mobility and delay the progression of Parkinson's. You can join the class on any given day. For more details please contact PT Services at Tiffin Mercy Hospital 419-455-8600.
Mondays, Wednesdays 11:45AM-12:30PM
Chair Yoga
Monday @ 9:00AM
Wednesday @ 10:00AM
Floor Yoga
Monday @ 4:30PM
Wednesday @ 8:00AM
**Your donation allows the center to offer these wonderful programs**
Tai Chi
If you are looking for the opportunity to improve your balance, this class may be just for you! Basic Balance class will offer the follwoing:
1. Balance education
2. Ongoing, weekly exercises to strenghten the legs, core and overall body
3. Group accountability
4. Fun social interactions and relationships
Cost per class is $1.00
Participants must be able to stand, sit and move around the room independently. There will be no on-on-one support offered.
This class is Open to the Public for anyone 50 years of age and older.
Monday's @ 10:00AM
Wednesday's @ 2:00PM
JOIN THE FUN! Chair vollleyball is taking senior centers by storm!! Indoor Chair volleyball includes physical activity, social interaction, competition, and most of all, lots of laughs! From the fit to the wheelchair-bound and old alike, this activity is played from standard folding chairs with a 20" beach ball. You will enjoy awesome competition and camaraderie! The Allen Eiry Center will host chair volleyball every Wednesday @ 2:00PM You don't need to sign up,
just show up and we promise you a good time!!!


Want to learn a new art? There are absolutely beautiful carvings that come out of this class. Thursday mornings there is an instructor that can start you out from step one. Stop by and talk to the instructor any Thursday morning between 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
NOTE: Wood carving takes a break through the summer months, watch our calendar for classes to resume.
DAYS & TIMES: Thursdays @ 9:00AM

Living and Thriving
Croquet League
Corn Hole
During specific summer months, we meet at the Seneca County Fairgrounds and play croquet once a week (weather permitting). This is for enjoyment and exercise. We have a good time and get just a little competitive.
Stop in and play a couple games of Corn Hole with us. Sunday's at 2:00 PM. Please use the Market Street entrance.
Pool Tables
In our lobby we have 2 new pool tables along with pool sticks for your use.
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:00PM

Fun Games
Monday's 1:00 PM
Each person pays $1.50 to enter the daily tournament. 1st, 2nd & 3rd places pay out. This is a more competitive game day. Experience & knowledge of Euchre is suggested.
Thursday's 1:00 PM
Stop in and have fun participating in our pinochle tournament. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive a monetary gift.
Monday's 1:00 PM
We invite you to join us for an afternoon of Bridge. The regular Bridge will be held at the same time as the "Learn Bridge". Once you learn to play Bridge, you will be able to join the regular game.
Fun Tuesdays
Tuesdays @ 1:00PM
This playing time is for those who want to learn to play euchre or have little experience with this card game. There will be people on hand to help you if needed. This will be a relaxed time for all who join the fun euchre afternoons.
Mexican Train Dominos
Tuesday's @ 10:00 AM
Interested in playing or learning to play Mexican Train Dominos? Stop in On Tuesday's at 10 AM. Never played, we will teach you.
Monday's @ 1:00AM
This is a card game of the rummy family. It is most commonly played by four in 2 partnerships with two standard decks of cards. Come Join Us!
Pegs & Jokers
Friday's 1:00 PM
A North American "race" game for 4, 6, 8 players using playing-cards to move pegs around the board. You are always welcome to stop in and learn the game.
This game is FUN! Collect your thoughts! Two to eight players are possible. Socki can be learned in 30 minutes. We Welcome you to join us at any time.
Friday's 1:00 PM
Memory game similar to Western card game rummy. Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a degree of chance. We welcome you to stop in and join the game. We are always willing to help you learn the game.